Judge combines Martinelli habeas corpus motions

TWO HABEAS CORPUS motions filed by ex-President Ricardo Martinelli defense lawyers in the case involving alleged illegal spying during his administration have been combined into a single petition.
Magistrate Jeronimo Mejia ordered the motions combined in a decision issued Jan. 22. They were filed by defense lawyers Edgar Alejandro Sánchez and Rogelio Cruz.
According to the resolution, the two motions are related as both claim that an arrest warrant issued by the court infringes on the rights of the former president.
The ruling suggests that the judge is trying to streamline the case by avoiding potentially conflicting decisions. The Judicial Code allows a judge to combine motions when the claims are identical even if the petitioners are different, reports La Prensa.
The habeas corpus petititons were presented after the plenary of the court ordered the provisional arrest of Martinelli on Dec. 21. Mejía is responsible for carrying out that order.