MEDIA WATCH: Panama justice imploding

Hoyporhoy La Prensa, Jan.21

THE JUDGES of the Supreme Court have shown by their behavior that they are living in a bubble of opacity and disrespect for the democratic institutions of the country.

The complaint against the President of the Court, about his alleged involvement in the  wiretapping scandals, is the ultimate horror  icing on the cake of what is happening at the organ of the State. Regardless of whether the accusation  is a fact or not, it is clear that the judicial system is beginning to implode from the very top, unable to bear the enormous weight of corrupt acts and actors that eat away at the public administration.

The feast reveals rotten accusations where there should be the supreme arbiter of the nation. What is happening is beyond any reasonable limit and begins to threaten to bring down the foundations of the rule of law. It is urged that a  purge in the Court and the resignation of judges is imposed under these circumstances, because its lacking credibility leads to the suspicion: its judgments are strict law or serve their own interests and / or a third ? That is the question that prevails.