CD deputies reject Martinelli ultimatum

RICARDO MARTINELL’S iron fisted grip on the party he founded  received a damaging blow on Tuesday, Jan.5,  when deputies refused to accept  the person he designated as president and  refused  an ultimatum to sign a pledge of loyalty.

While rejecting Alma  Cortes  as leader they issued a statement read by Deputy Dana Castañeda : “The base of Democratic Change recognizes  Mr Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal as Chairman”
Deputy and a vice president of the party, Mario Miller, described as unfortunate the decision to appoint Cortés  as President in charge, while in the statutes position you must consult  the general secretary and vice-presidents.
The statements of the deputies came after a meeting at the National Assembly called  to discuss the ultimatum given by  Alma Cortes, as  “president in charge”.
All but three  of the 25 deputies who make up the CD caucus attended. Notably absent, reports La Prensa were Sergio Galvez, Jose Munoz and Ruben Frias.
Romulo Roux, general secretary of the CD who was appointed last year as interim  president in charge of the party founded and funded  by ex-president  Ricardo Martinelli  said:”I’m here today because they asked me.”.
He said it is not the time for threats to recall party members “The important thing is to call for unity and maintain the strongest party. We must ensure that Democratic Change is strengthened,” he added.
He said the party must be renewed and the role of its members is not to focus on internal squabbling. .
According to Roux: It’s not the time for deputies to leave the party, or be expelled  but let me add. I do not feel that the bench is submissive” “.
In  December Cortes, on instructions from Martinelli, demanded that  deputies sign a note to commit to follow the party line. Those who did not sign prior to December 31 would lose lose their seats.