OFF THE CUFF: US lawyers polish plans to block Martinelli extradition

AS PANAMA’S Supreme Court judges readied themselves on Monday, December 28,to deal with yet another stalling move by a battery  of local high profile lawyers, on behalf of  the supermarket baron, and former president, Ricardo Martinelli, another team in the US  is working on a strategy to prevent his extradition.

Martinelli, faces charges in Panama that he ordered the illegal surveillance of political opponents and others while in office.If found guilty he could be sentenced to up to 21 years behind bars.

Former Minister of Labor Alma Cortés, who has been named  acting president of the CD Party, founded, funded and ruled by Martinelli,  confirmed that U.S. lawyers are working with a legal team in Panama to develop a strategy to prevent extradition.

The  lawyers have been working ” for months,” on his immigration status in the United States Cortés told La Prensa.

Cortés said that there have been “serious violations of due process” in the Martinelli case.

The remainder of the dwindling band of  CD camp followers continues to chant their fading mantra of “political prosecution”   in reply to  charges of wiretapping and parallel investigations of scores of millions allegedly obtained through embezzlement.