Reforesting 1 million hectares to combat pollution

A MASSIVE reforestation program is underway in Panama to help combat  pollution in 60% of the country’s 52  river basins, according to the Ministry of the Environment.

The ministry said that 31 of the rivers are polluted by deforestation, agricultural activities and a lack of basic sanitation. Most of the pollution is on the Pacific side of the country, where most of the population is located reports La Prensa.

The river basins feed some 500 rivers which are tested twice annually for pollution.

Ministry official Yamil Sánchez said that, ideally, water shouldnot have to be treated before being consumed. But the reality is different as many of them are contaminated with fecal coliform, especially in low-lying areas.

Sánchez explained that this is a product of both lack of sanitation from farms and people living upstream. Another problem is excess sedimentation from deforestation, soil erosion and agricultural activities.

To remedy the situation, the authorities have promoted initiatives to avoid environmental damage, including the program to improve the handling of raw sewage that is being handled by the National Council for Sustainable Development.

Another is a reforestation effort being led by the National Association for the Conservation of Nature (Ancon).

Rita Spadafora, executive director of Ancon, said that the project is aimed at reforesting one million hectares over 20 years, at a rate of 50,000 hectares per year.

The proposal seeks to enhance biodiversity and forest resources, as well as achieve commercial reforestation and sustainable forest management as a contribution to the rural economy.