Cardinal celebrates Christmas Mass with Cuban migrants

CARDINAL Jose Luis Lacunza, The Bisho  of David celebrated Christmas  Mass at the Catholic Church in Paso Canoas  where hundreds of Cubans who remain stranded at the border with Costa Rica.
Lacunza arrived at the church at 10:00 am tande was greeted  by  more  than 300 Cuban migrants, reports La Prensa. 

“The idea is to come to share with them and give them some encouragement and hope in the difficult situation  in which they are living and to which the Catholic Church in Paso Canoas and the country has responded” said Cardinal Lacunza.

He asked the governments of Central American countries to do everything possible to realize that on the borders of Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua there is a humanitarian situation that cannot go unnoticed.
“Let them seek political solutions as soon as possible, because this cannot be sustained for much longer,” said the Cardinal.
He said that hopefully in  these days of Christmas celebration a more realistic perspective will emerge and to  give the necessary assistance to these migrants, so that they can move on to the United States.

The mayor of New York, on Thursday,  December 24, made a commitment to make efforts to help the migrants  through diplomatic channels with Costa Rica and Nicaragua, so that  a humanitarian corridor can be opened so they continue their journey to America.