Martinelli condemns judges he appointed

THE SUPREME COURT decision to order the arrest of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli for failing to attend a hearing on illegal surveillance carried out during his administration has reignited    his mantra claiming to be a victim of political persecution.

The claims was made despite the fact that five of the nine judges who made the decision were appointed by Martinelli and ratified by the legislature that he controlled through the CD party reports La Prensa.

Those judges are Luis Ramón Fábrega, Hernán De León, Abel Zamorano, Wilfredo Sáenz, the alternate to Harry Diaz, and Secundino Mendiente, the alternate of Jose Ayu Prado. The other four judges are Harley Mitchell, Nelly Cedeño, Oydén Ortega and Luis Mario Carrasco, all appointed during the government of Martín Torrijos (2004-2009).

Harry Díaz, who is acting as the prosecutor in the case, was also appointed by Martinelli and is the brother of Martinelli’s Health Minister, Javier Díaz.

Martinelli and his supporters, through social networks, have alleged that the court has violated his rights to a legitimate defense and to due process. His legal team has filed various legal resources: from a request to challenge the authority of five of the nine judges to a warning of unconstitutionality. This week,  continuing its stalling program the defense introduced an appeal against a decision made more than two months ago.