Canal Authority and expansion contractor duel over payments

WITH THE CANAL expansion project said to be 96% complete, the latest round in the ongoing spats between The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) and the construction consortium GUPC is over payments and finishing dates.
The ACP said on Monday, December 21, that it has made payments to GUPC “in a timely manner” for work on the third set of locks that is part of the expansion project.
“The ACP is making the payments in compliance with all specifications and requirements of the contract and the agreed upon date,” the statement said.
On Sunday, GUPC issued a statement in which it said that the work has been delayed because the ACP has delayed progress.
The ACP, , said that “all payments are properly supported and are in strict accordance with the contract. Payments are made based on the progress of the work.”
The ACP also said that, under the contract, it has up to 56 days to make payments. However, it regularly makes payments in less than 30 days.
These payments are subject to scrutiny by an independent auditor.
GUPC reiterated on Sunday that April 2016 remains a “feasible” date for completion of the work. ACP Administrator Jorge Luis Quijano said last week he hoped the opening of the mega-project would be no later than June.