Varela warns organized crime infiltrating politics

PANAMA’S  POLITICAL class  may be infiltrated by  organized crime and “I will not tolerate organized crime in politics” says President Juan Carlos Varela.

It has been a bad week for Panama’s public image  after a  series of arrests involving drugs, including  three  serving police officers  arrested and a fourth ex-cop killed  in a drug bust; a National Assembly employee appointed by a PRD deputy found with close to a million dollars, and charged with money laundering, and another government employee arrested for transporting drugs in a givernment vehicle.

Varela said the the drug gangs  could be infiltrating the political class of the country.

Varela’s statements, generated reactions, such as the president of the National Assembly and member of the Panamenista  Party, Adolfo “Beby” Valderrama, who said:” There is no forgiveness for those who are in it and he, who falls, must answer for what he does”.