Electoral reform proposal ignites media outcry

THE MEDIA FUROR continues over  a proposal that would limit news  coverage during election campaigns, with  a journalism organization claiming it  had been tricked.

The proposal comes  the National Commission of Electoral Reforms, but has been rejected by both  The National Council of Journalism and the Forum of Journalists have.

The measure would bar media from reporting on candidates or political parties for a period shortly before voting takes place. The measure is an extension of the ban on political advertising in a period before an election.

The media organizations argued that the measure violates the freedom of the press and expression, which is contrary to the Constitution and international conventions on human rights, reports La Prensa.

The National Council of Journalism claimed that the commission “tricked” them, as the organization was assured last month that no limits of the press would be part of the reforms. It said it unanimously rejected the proposal.

“What happened in the National Commission on Electoral Reforms is regrettable and shows how little respect the Tribunal Electoral, the political class and the civil societies represented on the commission have for the Constitution and press freedom,” the group said.

Guillermo Antonio Adames, president of the Journalists Forum, called the decision “unfortunate” and said it contravenes international human rights conventions ratified by Panama.

According to  Adames, the Forum also participated in the meeting in November with the Tribunal Electoral judges in which they pledged not to approve any measures restricting the freedom of expression.

“We feel that the judges did not remain true to their word,” said the journalist.

The measure will be discussed Monday, and the media organizations will have the opportunity to voice their concerns.

Herbert Young, a representative of the Panameñista party to the commission, said that although he voted in favor of the measure, he thinks the media should be involved in a discussion about it.