Canal expansion opening may miss another deadline

THE  LONG delayed opening of the Panama expansion may pass yet another target date  because of leaks detected in August in the third set of locks.

The last projected  date was April but Canal Administrator Jorge Luis Quijano, says that  he will not give a new date “because we do not want to have to move it again. So we want to be sure.”

It will cost $40 million to repair the leaks, which should be finished by January 15. At that time, testing will begin to ensure they are completely sealed.

Quijano said navigation tests will begin in April. He acknowledged that the opening of the expansion will likely be delayed.

The Panama Canal Authority has rented a cargo ship to use in tests on the new locks.

On the development of the Port of Corozal, Quijano said that the ACP is conducting environmental impact studies. The pre-qualification process of the 13 companies that showed interest in the tender will end in January. Proposals will then be received until July and a winner will be announced in August or September.

Investment in the port will be about $1 billion and it will take about two years to build.