91 octane gasoline price rise

AS WORLD OIL PRICES fall to new lows Panama’s National Energy Secretariat has announced a 3 cents a gallon increase in the price of 91 octane gasoline starting Friday October 11 but 95 octane will remain unchanged. 
Low sulfur diesel will drop seven cents a gallon. The prices will apply from 6:00 am on Friday and will be valid until December 25.
Theprices are for the cities of Panama and Colon. Elsewhere in the country they are a little higher because of transportation costs
Intermediate Texas oil (WTI) benchmark in the US market, fell 0.93%, closing at $ 37.16 a barrel, on Thursday a new annual low, a downward trend observed since last year due to oversupply that is in the world market.
International analysts say the decision of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)-in its meeting on December. 4 not to cut production, creates new instability in the market