Witnesses in Martinelli wiretapping case threatened

THE JUDGE  who is  prosecuting former President Ricardo Martinelli for illegally spying on more than 150 people while in office, sent a “special request” to  presiding Judge Jerome Mejía to take “the necessary measures to safeguard the security, privacy and integrity of the victims and witnesses”  at the hearing for the case to be held FridayDecember 11.

Judge Harry  Diaz says that witnesses have been threatened and met with victims Dec. 4 to discuss the issue.

“They reiterated that they are receiving calls from people close to Martinelli and his attorneys that make them  fear for their safety, privacy and physical integrity.”

Diaz said it is the responsibility of the authorities take all appropriate measures to protect the victims.

Approximately 150 people were victims of the illegal wiretapping, including politicians, business owners, government officials, former presidents, journalists and opponents to the government of Martinelli.

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