HEALTH ALERT: First zika virus cases reach Panama

LESS THAN  a week after  the Ministry of Health (MoH)  triggered  an alert of the Zika virus affecting several regions of Colombia, Guatemala and El Salvador, the first three cases have been reported in Panama.

Itza Barahona, director of the National Health  had issued the alert  because new cases were detected in Cartagena, Colombia.

According to Barahona, the zika has a similar behavior pattern to  dengue and chikungunya  and is also transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes Aegyptis, and  remove any potential breeding areaa

The director mentioned that from the point of view of health care there is no medicine to cure infected people since viruses are diseases for which there are no antibiotics.

Some symptoms of Zika virus are pains in muscles and joints. skin rash,  fever of 38 degrees, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite.
