Axe falls on low level employee for flag boondoggle

THE AXE  has fallen on a $650 a month  National Lottery(LNB) employee who has become the fall guy for the miss-printed November 1, Lottery tickets.

The firing of Mario Echeverria, a graphic designer who had worked in the entity for 17 years was confirmed on Friday, November 20.

According to his father, Mario Echeverria Palomino, broadcaster and editor of the newspaper La Voz del Darien, his son earned $650 per month.

The National Lottery celebrated the 112 years of separation of Panama from Colombia with a flag of Ecuador.

The error appeared in the draw chances and bills golden number 5041 Sunday, November 1. He had a graphic composition in which the Panama flag on the left appears, with the Act of Independence of the isthmus and the Ecuadorian flag on the right.

The LNB directed by Efraín Medina, acknowledged the mistake through a statement on social media.