CORRUPTION NET: Buying justice for $40,000 plus

OFFICIALS   who were part of the corruption network in Panama’s Supreme Court were receiving payments in excess of $40,000 from defendants  looking to avoid criminal prosecution in the Second Superior Court.

According to research by Assistant Prosecutor Marcelino Aguilar, the group – which included assistant judges, clerks and lawyers — intentionally delayed cases, bribed jurors and tampered with evidence on behalf of defendants.

According to evidence collected in the case, this included at least one case where a judge’s signature was forged reports La Prensa.

The investigation was launched when allegations surfaced that a jury in the case of murder suspect Hilario Chen Quintana had been tampered with. That trial has been suspended until next year so while the corruption investigation takes place.

Evidence collected also included the seizure of whatsapp messages that showed officials negotiating prices for verdicts with lawyers.

So far, 12 court officials and one other individual have been charged. More arrests are likely say sources.