Names of 153 wannabe judges published

The names of 153 citizens who applied to be judges of Panama’s Supreme Court were published Monday, November 16, 2015, on the website of the Presidency.

The Minister of the Presidency, Alvaro Aleman, questions by groups of organized civil society will make the choice process more transparent.

On Tuesday the groups that make up the Pact for Justice, the National Bar Association (CNA) and the Independent Movement (Movin) ,will get  the names of the 10 “finalists”.

The appointment of the new judges will be ratified in December by the National Assembly in special session.

The finalists were chosen by Aleman, ; Government Minister, Milton Henriquez; Minister Counselor Francisco Sierra and the legal director of the President, Salvador Sanchez.

The two new judges will replace Harley Mitchell and Victor Benavides, whose 10-year periods expire on 31 December. Benavides resigned in June during  a process against him.

The appointment of the new judges will be ratified in December by the National Assembly in special session.