9 judicial corruption network suspects behind bars


Nine of the 13 court officials arrested after a raid on Panama’s Supreme Court are  in pre-trial detention after interrogation by the The Assistant Attorney General on Saturday  November 14.

Four others have been released while the investigation continues, and have to report to the prosecutor every 15 days.

“They had to take the blame because their phones were tapped and they were followed, Whatsapp conversations were  intercepted  and they were compromised by photographs that were found Given this obvious they had to accept the facts,” said  lawyer Kevin Moncada , representative of one of the officials who has been released.

On Friday, the Assistant Public Prosecutor, Marcelino Aguilar, conducted a visual inspection of the Sixteenth Criminal Court for evidence related to the web of corruption discovered in an operation monitoring and surveillance judiciary officials who allegedly were paid bribes to granting benefits to people with criminal proceedings in the Second Superior Court reports La Prensa..

Among the acts of corruption investigated were trading in bonds, retention of arrest warrants manipulation of  hearing dates and bribery of jurors.