Martinelli defense refuses to supply e-mail address

IN WHAT increasingly sounds like a game of “catch me if you can,” the defense of former president Ricardo Martinelli, under investigation for his alleged involvement in illegal wiretaps carried out while he was in office, has refused to reveal his e-mail address.

Judge Jeronimo Mejía had  issued a request  for  the e-mail address of the former president so that he could be notified of the investigation.

Tuesday, November 10 was the deadline set by Mejia for Martinelli’s lawyers to provide the e-mail address, but Rogelio Cruz, one of the lawyers, said that the defense would not provide that information reports La Prensa.

“We have already supplied the address of his residence,” Cruz said.

Prosecutor Harry Díaz recommended that Judge Jerome Mejía notify Martinelli through diplomatic channels of the investigation of the former president so that he could be notified of the investigation.

Mejia said that he made the request as it is “essential to ensure effective communication between the former president and the different authorities working on the case.”

Diaz said that he does not know the former president’s e-mail address, and a blue alert issued by Interpol has failed to identify Martinelli’s whereabouts.