10-year old flood damage case closed

A COURT CASE  filed more than 10 years after floods in the neighborhood of Prados del Este in which 21 people were charged with fraud and other crimes has run out of time.

The ruling, issued on Sept. 24 by Judge María de Lourdes Estrada, dismissed charges against former National Bank of Panama officials and project developer  Pronavi.

The case was filed after flooding in the neighborhood damaged more than 400 houses. Bank officials, who financed the project, and the developer were accused of defrauding homeowners and ignoring environmental regulations.

The court has continued charges against former bank officials Bolívar Pariente, Galileo Ferrabone and  Carmela Stanziola for embezzlement.

Lawyers for the plaintiffs have planned to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court.

The flood caused an estimated $20 million in damage.