Panama plans for Peoples Climate Change March

PANAMA  will become part of a worldwide mobilization on November 29,  that could see a million people marching to demand action from global leaders gathering   in Paris for The UN  Climate Change Summit.

In September last year, before the   last UN climate Change Summit ,  700,000 people from around the world took to the streets  and were joined by  cabinet ministers, politicians of all stripes as well as UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon who joined a march in New York that stretched round  20 blocks.

At the UN summit the next day, leader after leader cited the marches and their intention to be more ambitious.

In the months that followed, Europe adopted a target of “at least 40%” carbon emissions reduction by 2030. Then the US and China came out with strong emissions commitments, with China committing to peak their emissions by 2030.

“The momentum has continued, with a divestment movement shaming the fossil fuel industry, major corporations embracing clean energy, and the Pope bringing his massive moral credibility to bear on the issue” says a report in The Guardian.

“The  summit in Paris in December will be the biggest global climate summit this decade  and on Sunday  November 29, The  People’s Climate March hopes to break last year’s record with  thousands of cities and towns across the planet participating” says Ricken Patel president and executive director of Avaaz, the world’s largest global civic movement with 42 million members.

 Panama’s  march, will start from Parque Urraca, at 2pm  and move down Avenida Balboa, to the  Mercado de Mariscos, and then to the Cinta Costera, for a concert. People wishing to participate can contact local organizer Kevin Castillo at