Education Ministry compounds Lottery flag boo-boo

THE  MEDIA  and social network explosion  that followed the National Lottery ticket flag blunder on Sunday, November  has been followed by an aftershock produced by Panama’s Ministry of Education (Meduca)

On Monday November 2, local media published  a Meduca good news Tweet announcing that  that on Friday November 6 classes will be suspended so that “students can rest after  the [Independence Week]  parades.”  It was  signed by Meduca Manager Carlos Staff.

The bad news was that the national flag golor order  on the message, read by scores of thousands of students, was incorrect.. The red stripe was on the top. Its  right place was at the bottom.

Twitterers and social media addicsts , were quick to pounce after the earlier snafu when the National Lottery celebrated 112 years of separation of Panama from Colombia with a flag of Ecuador.

A graphic composition with the Panama flag on the left appeared, with the Act of Independence of the isthmus and the Ecuadorian flag.

On the lastest boo-boo’ historIan  Rommel  Estarradea  said:: “I want to make clear to the Ministry of Education that it has made an inexcusable boundary error. The bar is reversed. The colors should be blue, white and red.” After so many mistakes on lottery tickets in flags misplaced in institutions, on billboards where they have misspelling he  said, the students in the parades were better educated about positioning  the flag than the Ministry.

“This error is worse than that of lottery tickets” said Estarradea.