Woman killed for $300 in McDonalds

A 28YEAR-OLD single mother was shot and killed in front of customers during a robbery in a McDonald’s restaurant in Juan Diaz on Wednesday October 28.

Astrid Lopez was working behind the counter in the El Parador franchise when the robbers entered and went toward the cash register. She turned and fled towards the kitchen and one of the men chased her and shot her in the head.

The robbery netted the killers $300 and two cell phones stolen from customers.

The dead woman had worked in McDonalds for 18 months. She reached only second year of high school when she became pregnant.

The assault on McDonald’s was committed at 10:10 pm shortly before closing. the assailants fled away in a green Toyota Tercel. The authorities are analyzing the surveillance cameras and say that the murderers are already identified, reports El Siglo