Ex-security boss on spot for overpriced equipment buy

PANAMA’S FORMER Minister of Security, already in detention after three days of grilling over irregularities  in a $125 million radar purchase.  is now facing further investigation over the acquisition  of supplies for state security bodies at reportedly, inflated prices.

The Second Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday, Oct. 17 asked the Electoral Court to lift the immunity of  Jose Raul Mulino for the investigation of buying $60 million in ammunition, grenades, tear gas, weapons and uniforms and  purchasing $ 24 million in riot gear.
According to published information, prosecutor  Vielka Broce noted that these purchases would have allegedly benefited four companies of the businessman Roberto Carretero, currently under house arrest over investigation into his role in National Assistance Program (PAN) scndals,
“The funds were used primarily by the ministries of Public Security and the Presidency, who were authorized to carry out direct contracts with companies linked to Roberto Carretero, for  Public Presidential and State security”
“Roberto Carretero, with his cousin Felix Fallabella got the contracts and received from 40% to 60% advance on their sales of rifles, grenades and uniforms to the Ministry of Security and National Police,” In December last year the Minister of Public Security, Rodolfo Aguilera, reported that there were excesses in the purchase of tear gas and other equipment used for crowd control, including a possible surcharge of $21.3 million, as the real market  value of the equipment  was $2.7 million and contracts were closed for $ 24 million.
Mulino minister has been detained since Monday night for alleged irregularities in the contract signed in 2010 with the company Selex, a subsidiary of Finmeccanica, for the acquisition of 19 radars in the for $ 125 million.
In February this year, Carretero was arrested as part of the investigation into the irregular purchase of food bags distributed by deputies, with funding from the PAN.

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