CD party protests Mulino detention

THE BOARD of the Democratic Change (CD) party , founded, funded and led by former President Ricardo Martinelli questioned on Tuesday, October 27, the preventive detention of  former Minister of Public Security  Jose Raul Mulino, investigated for alleged irregularities in the contract signed in 2010 Selex the company to supply 19 radars.

“It is unacceptable that question as confessed criminals who in the past government were called to serve their country and made personal and professional sacrifices for the sole purpose of working for the country of their birth and to  give a  better future of all Panamanians “said a statement bearing the signature of the CD Secretary General CD Romulo Roux.

Also it qualified as “absurd” and “unacceptable” the decision of the Office. “We believe as a legal aberration preemptively stop a politician for an alleged breach of the terms and conditions of a contract which was duly approved by the Cabinet …”

While the statement was being drafted, Mulino was called to face new investigations over alleged overcharges for security equipment purchases. Storybelow,