Seized properties status changed illegally

FORMER MINISTER  Jimmy Papadimitriu,  once a strong ally of Ricardo Martinelli is back in the news over disputed lands in  Juan Hombron which were returned to the allegedly illegally to Papadimitriu’s family

Someone cancelled the expropriation made by the government of Ricardo Martinelli, and returned the property to the company Trapp Real Estate Corp. (which belongs to the family of the former minister), by an irregular entry in the Public Registry.

In 2012, during a dispute between Papadimitriu and former Finance Minister  Alberto Vallarino for control of the areas, the government of Martinelli, through  then Minister of Housing José Domingo Arias (who became the CD presidential candidate) – decided to expropriate the lands for the nation.

However, the property of the Papadimitriu was misidentified in the decree of expropriation and instead of putting ‘330313’, they wrote only 33013, and it was necessary to draft a subsequent errata for thet ‘involuntary mistake’.

In June 2014 shortly before the change of government  Papadimitriu properties status was changed illegall, using the password of an official who was dismissed in 2011. Someone from within or outside the Public Registry reversed the expropriation, making the observation that Papadimitriu’s property was not included in the original decree of expropriation and that an errata is not the procedure to expropriate.

To revese the property they used the password ‘YURO’, which belonged to Yuliana Robertson Martinez, now facing  a criminal investigation by  the Superior Special Prosecutor for Crimes against Intellectual Property and Information Security.

But the situation of Juan Hombron and Papadimitriu is not unique, reports El Siglo, With the password ‘YURO’ there were modifications to the status of 13  other properties including some seized because of  drug trafficking, and the seizure of another one was lifted to enable  a $700,000  mortgage

The irregularities were being committed from the day after the dismissal of the officer with the password ‘YURO’ (April 2011), and stopped one month after reversing Papadimitriu’s property, in July 2014.