Ex-Justice Minister behind bars

FORMER JUSTICE MINISTER  Jose Raul Mulino  was ordered  held in preventive detention on Monday Oct. 26 after his third day of interrogation in the case of  the $125 controversial purchase of radars from the Selex subsidiary of the Italian conglomerate Finmeccanica.

When he arrived  he said  that he received the summons by the prosecution without any surprise because from 2011 through media against the government of former President Ricardo Martinelli, his managementwas attacked reports La Prensa.

He said that the prolonged interrogation reflected futile attempts to build a case through false premises and  itwas a futile attempt because you cannot accuse someone  of embezzlement who has followed the  guidelines of the Panamanian State, issued by the Cabinet Council, where contracts were presented.

After a brief pause at noon, Mulino told the media: “We are making progress. We have evacuated all questions from the prosecution. I will take this time to collect my thoughts, to see if we can finish today ”  reports La Prensa

But, at days end he headed for the cells of the DIJ which he once ruled over. Two members of his security council are in El Renacer Prison awaiting trial on wiretapping charges.