Petaquilla clean up contract awarded

THE CONTRACT to drain tailings tubs at the Molejon mine operated by Petaquilla Gold has been awarded  to the company Bluefin Seroca by the National Assistance Program (PAN)

The company offered a price of $1.7 million to do the work. Also bidding were the companies Levantina Engineering and CUSA. Levantina’s bid was lower, but the evaluating committee determined the best proposal was submitted by Seroca Bluefin reports La Prensa.

The Ministry of the Environment determined it was  necessary to remove 635,000 cubic meters of water from the tubs to stabilize them. The reference price for the work was $1.9 million.

Petaquilla Gold stopped production at the mine in 2013. The company has claimed the government prevented it from carrying out the work on its own. It has also sought to block the canceling of its concession.