A CONSPIRACY to smear the great achiever

THE ANTI-CORRUPTION prosecutors who have collectively spent   thousands of hours investigating the alleged theft of hundreds of millions of dollars from Panama’s public purse, by a rapacious “zero circle” gang and their immitators,  are part of a major conspiracy against a man who walked “in the shoes of the people” and did so much to revitalize a stagnant country.

Participants in the monstrous attack on the integrity of former president Ricardo Martinelli, include the Attorney General Kenia  Porcell, civil society groups, like the  Citizens Alliance for Justice, Movin, human rights groups, lawyers’associations, and business groups,  and   more. But the biggest role players in the plot are members of the fourth estate, who have collaborated in defaming a man who, in his own words, did more for Panama, than all of his predecessors in the previous 20 years.

The source of the revelations is Panama America, the Martinelli-owned newspaper which, along with his spin doctor Luis Eduardo Camacho Camacho attempts on a daily basis to divert attention from the latest uncovering of fraud, human rights abuses and the “political refugees” fleeing the country to avoid prosecution.

The attack on civil society surfaced  soon after Martinelli took office as the citizenry responded to some of his more outrageous moves leading to his infamous declaration: “I will not rule with civil society.”

An essential component of democracy, which unnerves   authoritarian leaders, is the power of citizens when they organize towards a common good.

A Panama  commentator said recently that examples abound in history: civil disobedience in India, civil rights in the US…  the green movement in Europe and Panama’s Civil Crusade during the time of the  Noriega dictatorship.

They were all movements removed from politicians but demonstrating people power.

In Panama and elsewhere, organized neighborhoods have fought successful battles against real estate developers, and at least given future plunderers food for thought when they plan their next take-no-prisoners assault. “The beauty of all this is that no one does it for selfish interests; It is simply to defend what belongs to everyone.” Said a La Prensa op-ed contributor.

Martinelli’s fear of  civil society, and being held accountable to the people, is what is now painted as a grand conspiracy.

Meanwhile the achievements of teams of highly paid lawyers who createnew ploys  to block the course of justice for those who have fled the   country, or come up with fresh arguments to get their detained clients  moved to house arrest so they can continue to enjoy, the comforts  earned from their perfidy  get full and support from the Martinelli media.

The conspiracy theory becomes even more remarkable when you consider the illegal surveillance program, under the direction of Martinelli, and the multiple dirty tricks programs of his enforcer Salomon Shamah.