Stalled dialogue with Panama teachers

THE CHANGE of government in Panama seems to have done little to improve relations with teachers who have been stonewalled in their requests for dialogue.

The  National Union of Teachers for Quality Education in Panama (Unecep) has asked  President, Juan Carlos Varela,  for  a meeting with the participation of 16 unions to discuss the situation of the education system.

Humberto Montero, Unecep undersecretary, said they asked on the Minister of Education, Marcela Paredes de Vasquez on August 4 , to establish a dialogue with the president, but after two and half months they have had  no answer.

Montero foresees that next year the crisis in educational facilities will be higher as they have not been given  sufficient budget for not been given the necessary funds to cover programs like My School First and Panama Bilingual and 3,000 schools with  more than 800,000 students. No comments will be issued from the Education Ministry (Meduca) reports La Prensa