Only Supreme Court finalists names will be released

THE CITIZEN’S Alliance for Justice  request for the names of the applicants for the vacancies on the Supreme Court to be made public has been denied said  Minister of the Presidency Álvaro Alemán on Thursday, October 22.

Only the names of the 10 finalists for the two vacancies will be made public.

A committee will release the names of the 10 finalists by Nov. 9. Civic organizations and the public will then have 30 days to submit comments, after which the Cabinet Council will select two nominees to be submitted to the National Assembly for approval.

As of yesterday, more than 50 applicants had submitted resumes. Reports La Prensa. The nomination period started on Oct. 14 and will conclude Oct. 29.

The vacancies are due to the expiring terms of Harley Mitchell and Victor Benavides and the jailing of  Alejandro Moncada Luna