Citizens call for role in vetting judges

THE CITIZEN’S Alliance for Justice, which has been under attack by Ricardo Martinelli controlled media as being part of an Anti-Martinelli conspirancy, has asked the Varela presidency to release the names of the applicants for the open positions on the Supreme Court.
More than 50 people have applied for the position so far. The application period ends October 29
. The 10 finalists will be revealed Nov. 9. That list will be selected by a committee and submitted to the Cabinet Council after being reviewed by civic organizations over a period of 30 days.
The alliance also asked the committee to disclose the criteria it will use for the selection of the 10 finalists.
It also suggested that the public be able to submit questions to the finalists with the purpose of “knowing their approaches on issues of corruption in the judiciary, human rights, environment, gender and other topics of national interest.”
“It is important that all citizens have the opportunity to participate in this process,” said the alliance in a statement.
The council will name two nominees to be ratified by the National Assembly. Additionally, President Juan Carlos Varela will name an additional nominee. There will be three vacancies on the court as of Jan. 1.
The judges leaving the bench are Victor Benavides, Harley Mitchell and Alejandro Moncada Luna.