Canadian expats gathering for election night

MONDAY OCTOBER 19 will see the end of the longest election campaign in Canadian history, and Canadian expats will be gathering  at  the Blarney Stone. Irish pub to watch the results and commentaries as they are streamed in by Internet.

The pub will extend Happy Hour prices throughout the evening and will add some Canadian items to its already extensive menu of traditional pub food.

One of the additions will be “ poutine” a Quebec french-fry specialty.

There is no charge for participation, but if you want to join the crowd and meet some Canucks wrapped in victory smiles or crying into their beer, you will be welcome. The event starts at 7pm local time as CBC/CTV broadcasts begin at 8pm in Canada.

To help with the catering, if you plan to go, drop a line to the CanadaPLUS Club

 If the polls are correct, Monday will   also see the end of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s rule but, as Panama and Ricardo Martinelli  well know, the polls have been known to be wrong.

On October 15  the  AFP news agency reported that a with a five percentage point jump in support.

For  Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, catapulting them  into a firm lead ahead of Harper’s Tories. The centrist party leapfrogged the Tories and Thomas Mulcair’s leftist New Democrats, which had been the frontrunner since the start of the campaign in August, Ipsos polling showed that support for the Liberals has risen to 37 percent, while 31 percent backed the Tories. Support for the New Democrats, meanwhile, plunged to 24 percent.

In vote-rich Ontario, the Liberals appear set to sweep half of 121 seats in the province (out of a total of 338 seats in Parliament). The number of seats has increased by 30 since the previous election.