65 illegal garbage dumps facing closure

 SIXTY-FIVE ILLEGAL  garbage dumps in Panama will be closed  as part of the decentralization  plan of the central government.

The waste agency AAUD plans to invest $13 million in 70 municipalities in the country that do not have a concession for the management and collection of garbage.

The amount will be used to buy equipment, develop a plan on the management of waste for each district and close the illegal dumps.  It is the first time that the AAUD has directed its resources outside of Panama City since its creation in September 2010.

AAUD Manager Eladio Guardia said that the agency will purchase 60 garbage trucks for just over $6 million. The institution is currently waiting for the endorsement of the purchase by the comptroller. If approved, the delivery of the vehicles will be made  in six months.

It is also planning to purchase an additional 31 trucks, but that purchase has not yet been put out to bid reports La Prensa.