Martinelli FP file doing Supreme Court rounds

The resolution, supporting  an investigation of  former president Ricardo for alleged irregularities in the management of four accounts through the Financial Pacific (FP) brokerage  is in the office of Judge Luis Ramon Fabrega, sources of the judiciary reported Tuesday, October 6.

Since last September 23, when in an extraordinary full session the Supreme Court (CSJ) admitted the investigation of  Martinelli, the document has been circulating for the signature of the judges who participated in the discussion.

The sources explained that the only judge left to sign the resolution is Luis Ramon Fabrega, who the day of the full session of the CSJ voted in favor of the admission of the investigation.

Fabrega chaired the plenary session that day, because the presiding Judge, Jose Ayu Prado, was participating in the third round of workshops in preparation for the XVIII Ibero-American Judicial Summit 2016, held in Panama.

Last Monday, Ayu Prado, appointed as Guarantee Judge in the case, requested the General Secretariat of the Supreme Court to send him the record of the investigation linking Martinelli to  FP, on loan.

The request of Ayu Prado came after that leaders of civil society asked him to be declared prevented from being Guarantee Judge of the case because he was accused by former FP employee Mayte Pellegrini, of having written a statement in which she recanted an accusation against Martinelli.

According to Pellegrini, that statement was drafted by Ayu Prado in 2012, when he was the Attorney General..

Ayu Prado said in the note sent to the General Secretariat and published on the website of the judiciary that he wants formal knowledge of his appointment as judge of guarantees, to consider the actions to take.

It was presumed  that once Judge Fabrega signs the resolution, the General Secretariat shall notify the Martinelli’s lawyers and then send the file to Ayu Prado.

In accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, Ayu Prado has two business days to announce the impediment, which are counted from when Martinelli’s lawyers are notified.