More traffic pain for Metro gain

DRIVERS  in many communities will have to steel their patience to longer periods behind the wheel ot find new routes to travel to avoid the traffic jams threatening as work on Metro Line 2 starts on Monday Oct 5.

Although the authorities are already working on a traffic management plan, getting up earlier to be on time will be the best option say many observers

The head of the  Transit Authority (ATTT), Fernando Aranda, said the Metro Line 2 Consortium should always be able to ensure the availability of two-lanes to go and two-lane to come back for the more than  60,000 thousand vehicles that transit Via Domingo Diaz each day.

ATTT agents and traffic police will regulate traffic.

Minister of Public Works, Ramon Arosemena said that he  has contacted Metro de Panama S.A to suggest they  inform the population in advance of the works ththey are going to perform so t they  can plan alternative routes

Arosemena recommended that the work is done at night and not during peak hours.

Metro de Panama S.A said in a  press release that the soil study work will affect  communities and residents of El Crisol, San Antonio, Nuevo Tocumen, Pedregal and Las Mañanitas and  deviations that will be announced in due course.