More calls for judge to step down

IN ADVANCE of a Friday meeting between Supreme Court (CSJ) President Ayu Prado and key figures in Panama’s business organizations, a former court president has joined civil society organizations pressing  for his resignation both  as president of the Court and as a judge.

Carlos Lucas Lopez Tejada,  a former president of the Supreme Court, says that Ayu Prado should step down as he  does not want to disassociate himself from the Financial Pacific case  against former President Ricardo Martinelli, who had appointed him Attorney General and later to the  CSJ  after he allegedly pressured a witness to withdraw her testimony linking Martinelli to an account  at FP.

A number of groups have also called for Ayú Prado to step down, including the Citizen’s Alliance for Justice, the Independent Movement of Panama (Movin) and the National Bar Association. –