OFF THE CUFF: Civil Society demands action from Varela

PRESIDENT Juan Carlos Varela may have awaken on Friday September 17 to discover that his near 14 month honeymoon is drawing to a close as some of his erstwhile strongest supporters rallied to demand action, and they didn’t mince words.
Lawyers, environmentalists, educators, workers, entrepreneurs and youth groups convened by the Independent Movement (Movin) and the Citizens Alliance for Justice, which in turn is composed of at least 20 organizations met on Thursday to demand the designation to the Supreme Court of “honest and efficient judges”
They called for an end to impunity and called on the Supreme Court (CSJ) “to act and bring to the bar of justice,” ex-president Ricardo Martinelli, who has outstanding 12 complaints linking him to acts of corruption and violation of human rights
“The slowness by the Supreme Court inn addressing these complaints is generating the perception of impunity and jeopardizes the right of citizens to know the truth and that justice is done,” the organizations said in a statement that questioned that the former president is still not called to face justice and is out of the country without explanation.
Magaly Castillo,of the Citizens Alliance for Justice, called into question the credibility of the Supreme Court to do justice because most of its judges were appointed by Martinelli.
After questioning the suspect slowness of the Supreme Court in the processes, Castillo said that President Juan Carlos Varela is missing a great opportunity to appoint suitable, transparent and honest judges.
The Executive is pending the appointment of replacements for ex-judges Alejandro Moncada Luna and Victor Benavides.
Sandra Escorcia of the Institutional and Justice Movement, also called the President Varela “to act boldly and appoint capable and decent people to the Court.”
Yadira Pinoof the Veragua Educators Association, asked the Executive to veto the shield law to be re-debated in the Assembly and for privileges to deputies, judges and the President to be removed.
Alfredo Motta of, the Independent Movement, estimated that the society is at a “’tipping point” where it can take action to demand justice.
The Supreme Court and its immobility over Martinelli, is in he eye of the storm.
Martinelli, described the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN), as a “den of thieves” but as a “deputy” is sheltering behind it left the country in January and is pasting on Twitter, images of
Yadira Pino, veragüenses Educators Association, said that if the judges of the Court “can not work to administer justice quickly and expeditiously should resign their positions.”
In the Supreme Court, according to information made public, there are at least 12 processes linking Martinelli. Three cases have been admitted and one of them is paralyzed . The latter is elated to the purchase of dehydrated food through the National Assistance Program (PAN), for $ 44.9 million, acquired during the past administration. Oyden Ortega, prosecutor in charge of this process magistrate, provided a warning of unconstitutionality against article 491-A of Law 55 of 2012 [shield law], which limits the term to two months to investigate the deputies and so far the issue has not been addressed by the full Court reports La Prensa.
Thhe shield law is another issue that is in the eye of organized civil society. Which calls on the judges of the Court to declare the entire shield law unconstitutional since it continues to affect investigations against deputies and members of Parlacen