Former PAN boss kids change to country jail

TWO OF THE CHILDREN of former National Aid Program (PAN) Director Rafael Guardía Jaén, who have been in preventive detention while they are being investigated for money laundering have been moved to country arrest which means they will have to report to authorities every 15 days.
The children, Loraine Brigitte Guardia Juarez and Jonathan Ryan Guardia Andrión, are being investigated for allegedly hiding the proceeds of kickbacks paid to their father, who is jailed on corruption charges, with businesses that received contracts from the PAN.
The judge decided the children do not need to be detained because they cannot destroy any evidence.
“They are not being considered dangerous and have collaborated in the investigation,” the judge ruled.
A third child of the former PAN director, Rafael Guardia Juarez, is still detained in the case. Guardia Jaén, in detention in El Renacer prison, has been cooperating with authorities in multiple investigations, and has revealed names of businessmen and government officials involved in corruption. When escorted to hearings he is seen wearing a bullet proof vest.