Financial Pacific ” investors ” hide in shadows

MONEY LAUNDERERS, speculators and high rollers, who had accounts at the scandal ridden Financial Pacific (FP) brokerage and were not afraid to display their wealth to neighbors and friends have suddenly retreated into the shadows .
A year after the start of the process of forced liquidation and the detection of several holders of its accounts, the identity of all the customers and the money each had in is still unknown reports La Prensa.
The persons who want to claim their funds will have to submit to an investigation to validate the source of the money.
It is presumed that those who haven’t shown want to avoid the scrutiny of the authorities.
The owners of several investment accounts have not been identified, after the databases of FP were eliminated with premeditation. These “investors” have not appeared to claim their money during the intervention process
The explanation behind the event is to remain anonymous, even if it costs thousands of dollars rather than going through the scrutiny of the Superintendence of Securities (SMV) and the liquidator of Financial Pacific, which is obliged to make due diligence or investigation of the origin of the funds.
Sources close to the process have said in advance that s there are certainly going to be assets that will not be claimed.
In fact, it was known that the SMV is evaluating what legal figure can be used to safeguard the unclaimed funds. Possibly, the money will be deposited in a trust, and if the goods are left inactive for more than five years, then they will pass automatically to the state coffers.
The SMV has been able to reconstruct some of the information of Financial Pacific operations through reports provided by companies related to the operations, such as Audi Bank of Switzerland, but the person or company that sent the funds wasn’t identified.
The brokerage was intervened on July 2, 2014 at 2:45 pm and four hours later, the database called “Desa” and “Prueba” disappeared from the archives of the company.
This happened at the precise moment that the auditors were about to begin the task of auditing all the movements the company had made says La Prensa