Investigation into disappeared FP auditor

Investigation into “disappeared” auditor

ANTICORRUPTION Prosecutor Zuleyka Moore has asked First Criminal Court Judge Rolando Quezada Vallespi to open a new investigation into the brokerage firm FInancial Pacific (FP).

The request was based on statements made by former Superintendency of Securities official Ignacio Fabrega earlier this week when he pleaded guilty to providing confidential information to the firm.

Moore has also announced that she will take an affidavit from Fabrega in relation to the disappearance of Vernon Ramos, the superintendency official who has been missing for several years. He disappeared while working on the Financial Pacific case

 During his court appearance, Fabrega said he was acting on the orders of former President Ricardo Martinelli and former Director of Tourism Solomon Shamah.

Fabrega said that Shamah and Martinelli also told him not to open any new investigations into the firm and confirmed that Martinelli had an account with the brokerage house reports La Prensa.

Fabrega appeared in court this week after having been a fugitive for four months. He said he fled from authorities because he was afraid of going to jail. He now faces up to eight years behind bars.