MEDIA WATCH: Comptroller scores an own goal with Odebrecht

Hoy por Hoy, La Prensa, Aug 25
The General Comptroller of Panama is an officer with full independence whose autonomy is established by the Constitution. Indeed, these conditions allow him to be free from the pressures of the political times and traps of electioneering promises.

 In a recent interview, the comptroller compared himself with star [Panama football] goalkeeper Jaime Penedo, describing his work as to avoid “goals” against public property and taxes of all Panamanians. With his endorsement of the urban renewal project of Colon, on behalf of a consortium led by Norberto Odebrecht, the comptroller made an “own goal” that knocked us out of the championship of transparency and integrity.
To date they have still not audited the Cintas Costeras and the long list of works that made the Brazilian company, the largest contractor of the State in all our history. These projects must be audited, especially when the main house is under investigation for money laundering and political corruption in many countries except, suspiciously, by the Panamanian authorities. The attitude adopted by the Prosecutor, who has not taken any action on the request of their counterparts in Brazil; and the authorities of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, who have avoided at all costs being involved in the international investigations of money laundering and unjustified wealth linked to this company have left us speechless, and finally now with the endorsement of the Comptroller they stripped us of hope.