Transparency bodies wants light on Odebrecht deals

THE FOUNDATION for the Development of Civic Freedom, the Panamanian chapter of Transparency International TI), is part of a seven nation move by TI chapters called for answers about government dealings with the scandal plagued Brazilian construction company, Odebrecht.

In Panama inquiries have been submitted to six state agencies about public works contracts for the company..

Chapters in Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, Peru, The Dominican Republic and Venezuela have made simultaneous actions, as part of a deal to know if the companies involved in the operation “Lava Jato “in Brazil have ties to their countries.
Systematic corruption has been discovered in Brazil’s Petrobras and involving politicians and big construction companies like Odebrecht and Andrade Gutierrez, “possibly the biggest scandal that occurred in Latin America in recent years,” said the Foundation in a Press release. Employees of Petrobras calculated bribes of $ 3 billion, an amount that, according to the Brazilian prosecutor handling the case is triple the health budget in the southern country.
“The potential to learn from this case is huge, because prevention mechanisms failed.So now the punishment mechanisms must operate “says the release, So the effort “for more information is justified because it is essential for an end to the impunity that favors the corrupt.”
The requests for information are signed by Ramon Ricardo Arias, president of the Foundation and directed to the ministers of Health, Housing and Public Works; the director of Metro de Panama, SA, and general manager of the National Authority of Public Services (ASEP).
All are asked whether the entity has granted direct contracts, concessions or rights to Odebrecht, in the last 10 years. If so, the specified amount, how it was given the concession, or contract and if they are still valid.
Arias also sent a request for information to the head of Public Works to ask if there is a contract with any of the other13 companies under investigation as part of the Brazilian corruption investigation.