Water rationing measures under review

EMERGENCY measures to reduce water consumption in Panama may soon be introduced as the El Nino phenomenon contunues to affect 52 river basins in the country, in particular those that flow into the Pacific.

Yamil Sánchez, national director of the protection of water l quality of the Ministry of the Environment, said  Saturday  that heavy sedimentation is being reported due to the lack of rain in areas such as Coclé, Herrera, Los Santos and Veraguas.

According to Sánchez, the water quality is still acceptable, but officials are concerned that sedimentation could eventually cause the water to be undrinkable.

Environmental reports note that El Niño has caused rainfall to decrease by up to 50 percent, causing a 30 percent reduction in the flows of major rivers in the country.

In addition to the concerns about drinking water, the lack of rain has also impacted farmers, hydroelectric production and the operation of the Panama Canal.

Water conservation measures are being considered, such as banning the washing of cars and the filling of swimming pools.

Officials estimate that Panama City residents use 200 million gallons of water per day, a figure that “cannot be sustained in the future,” reports La Prensa”