Closing of Albrook Airport facing opposition

Opposition to the closure of Albrook Airport as part of the planning for a fourth bridge over the Canal continues to grow.

Consideration is being given to relocating the activities currently carried out in the airport Marcos A. Gelabert, to the airport at Howard, now part of Panama Pacifico.
Directors of the Panamanian Aviation Association (APA) have expressed their disagreement to lawmakers in the Commission on Communication and Transport of the National Assembly.
The president of the APA, Jaime Fabrega said that the Albrook airport is in a strategic location “… it is six kilometers from both the Children’s Hospital and the Hospital Santo Tomas which is where over 80% of aeromedical evacuations go…. He also mentioned that it is within four kilometers of the Albrook transport terminal, a bus and Metro subway hub”
“… At the Albrook Marcos Gelabert airport there are 15 plane and helicopter maintenance companies, plus there is an airline that does important work for the community, both domestically and internationally.”