THE EL NIÑO weather pattern, which has affected 70 percent of the country has caused a shortage of rain, which has impacted farmers and hydroelectric production, as well as the operations of the Panama Canal, leadingauthorities to declare a state of emergncy.
Minister of the Environment Mirei Endara said this afternoon that authorities do not want to provoke a panic, but they “are trying to be responsible” and take the necessary measures to prepare for an extended drought.
Endara said that rainfall for the months of October and November will be 50 percent lower than in previous years.
She added that measures will be taken to save the water. They will be governed by the ministry with the assistance of the ministries of Health and Agriculture as well as the waste and sewer authority (IDAAN)
Other agencies involved will be the Public Services Authority, the Panama Canal Authority, the civil defense agency Sinaproc, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Public Works reports La Prensa.