Strained Forensic Institute seeks major budget boost

PANAMA’S INSTITUTE of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences is calling for a major budget boost for next year, saying they need more funds due to the expanded demands on the agency due to changes in the legal system.

Director Humberto Mas who is leading the charge, said that the expansion of the accusatory penal system to Bocas del Toro and Chiriquí will place more of a burden on the agency. In the first quarter of 2015, the agency handled 8,000 cases, including 800 involving deaths.
Mas said the agency will request a budget of $76 million for 2016. This year it had a budget of only $30 million although officials had requested $52 million.
Mas said that the agency needs 400 more employees in addition to its current staff of 1,130 to handle the additional work.