Custodian had keys to cell where 5 incinerated

WHILE POLICE guards mocked teenagers screaming for help from a burning cell in the Tocumen Compliance Center, one of the regular custodians had the keys to cell No. 6, where five died.

The chief custodians of the, Jose Santos, was giving evidence on the 15h day of the trial, of nine policemen, two custodians and the former director of the institute Iris Cedeno.
Santos said that during the fire of January 9, 2011 there were few staff on duty as it was a day off, and there was only one custodian in the area where minors were protesting.
He said that when he reached the center he was not allowed immediate entry to the prison, and members of the police on guard did not know him.
He explained that the cells in the center are closed with padlocks and custodians have keys and are responsible for opening and closing the doors.
During questioning he acknowledged that there is a water supply problem in the facility, which prompted protests by inmates.
He explained that the center got water from tankers, but said he did not remember the frequency of the service.
He said that when there were incidents with inmates, like uprisings or riots, police reinforcements were requested and on January 9 a call went out.
He said that upon arrival at the center he made several phone calls for support from off duty guards but failed to locate them.