Dirty laundry near D-Day for choosing Assembly leader

ON THE EVE of D(ecision) Day for the National Assembly to choose its new president, for the next year, the favored candidate of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) is running into problems within the party and inside the temporary alliance with the ruling Panameñistas.

 The PRD is riven with internal battles, and on Sunday stories emerged that wannabe Assembly president Crispiano Adames, had links with then president Ricardo Martinelli and his Democratic Change (CD party.
On Sunday June 28, La Prensa, carried reports of Adames’ performance in his 10 years as a deputy from clashes which included beatings, and threats to his colleagues, episodes of violence including with within the legislature – all factors that would contribute to a Panameñista veto of the PRD politician.
Political sources confirmed to La Prensa that Adames was one of the “lobbyists ” in the political and legislative spheres for Cobranzas del Istmo SA, the company responsible for collecting delinquent taxes forthe state during the government of Ricardo Martinelli and now under investigation by anti-corruption prosecutors.
Investigations are underway of Cristoval Salerno, its main shareholder, and Luis Cucalón, former head of the Directorate General of Revenue. Adames is a very close friend of Salerno, a trusted source told La Prensa.
Salerno testified under oath to the Public Prosecutor that he gave bags of cash to then  President Ricardo Martinelli, the product of commissions obtained by the collections company.

He made several deliveries of $400,000 and $600,000. 
One event showing a the link between Adames, Martinelli and the CD took place in August 2013 says La Prensa.
During the hearing in the Assembly of the then administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP) Salomón Shamah, the PRD deputy requested verification of the quorum knowing that there were not enough deputies in the legislative chamber to continue the investigation, thus preventing questions 

about the payment of $1 million for the design of a website for the ATP.
Adames was asked by his party to explain his actions during the hearing of Shamah, known as a close aide of former President Martinelli and master of dirty tricks campaigns for the CD.
La Prensa went on to detail violent episodes involving Adames.
 In June 2013 he fought with a colleague in a local restaurant during a meeting of deputies to choose the head of the PRD.
In the same month, a citizen entered the Assembly with machete in hand because Adames allegedly collided with his vehicle at a traffic light near the Assembly.
The deputy denied the collision.
In July 2014, he threatened his colleague Zulay Rodriguez for supporting the governance pact with Panameñistas allowing a legislative alliance of the two groups in the National Assembly for a period of three years.
He denied the threat and said Rodriguez was “a psychiatric case.”