Panama robbed of $115.9 million in Martinelli years

“IRREGULARITIES” uncovered in the management of public funds during the previous administration amount to date to $115.9 million according to reports from Panama’s comptroller Federico Humbert.

 Since the beginning of theyear, the Comptroller has submitted a series of audits to the Public Ministry (MP), which show economic damage in the scores of millions of dollars. Last February he forwarded the Special Audit which established that the buying dehydrated foods through the National Assistance Program (PAN) generated a patrimonial injury of $44.9 million, reports La Prensa.

On May 5 he sent the MP the audit results of the contract for the acquisition of sophisticated wiretapping equipment.
The purchase was made by the PAN from MLM Protection Ltd for technological “supply” and installation service, training and maintenance, for a total of $13,475,000.
The next day, the Comptroller sent the audit for the purchase of bags of food through the PAN, which established the possible economic loss of $33,220167..
On May 20 o he presented another audit: renting helicopters by ministers and officials through the PAN. The amount: $10,034,151.
On June 11, the institution concluded the audit of the buying of school bags through the PAN. The report, which was also referred to the MP, the injury to be determined by $14,229,526.